Episode #43


Do You Believe in Extra-Terrestrial Life?

Neither William nor Steven have had first-hand experiences with alien life or technology. But it can be fun to speculate: What would it mean for humanity if an advanced race from a distant galaxy visited our planet? What technologies and spiritual insights would we be able to learn about from them? Would novel sources of virtually free energy unite us or lead to new reaons for war? The list of possible questions goes on and on.

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Dr. Steven Greer leads a movement to disclose reports by whistleblowers and decades’ worth of related evidence:

China’s Tiangong space station was launched in 2021:

For years the pentagon has been losing track of tens of trillions of dollars:



Other Episodes:

Ep. 51: How Conditioned Are We ?

How much of what you do, think and feel comes from intentional, free chosing? How much of your actions and decisions are pre-programmed? You are the product of your upbringing, culture and genetics. What is out of our control? What can we influence? How can we counteract our predestination?

Ep. 50: What Am I Responsible For ?

Are you taking too little responsibility for your actions, or perhaps too much? How much are you able to understand or determine the consequences of your decisions? Are you in control of anything? Is free will an illusion? Can you do something to improve your thoughts, feelings and relationships with...

Ep. 49: Empathy Can Be A Super Power

Everyone has the choice of either living isolated from other people and their own feelings on the one hand, or to connect with others and their own emotional core. The road towards connectedness involves vulberability and weakness. But it leads to a very rewarding ability that includes deeper understanding of...

Ep. 48: Why Am I Ashamed?

What secrets do you have? What facts about you must never become known to others? What happens in our childhood that implants beliefs in us that hide away for the rest of our life? Can we uncover them deliberately? Can we regain the emotional freedom and levity that playing children...

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